Tomorrows Traditions are leading experts dedicated to bringing you personal unique products and tributes.specialising in memorial,pet and celebration jewels and memorial diamonds grown from yours or your loved ones hair or cremation ashes
Sunday, 20 February 2011
red diamonds
Red Diamond
Red Diamonds are the rarest of the fancy color diamonds. In fact, they are so rare in nature that most jewelers and diamond dealers have never even seen a natural red diamond. The world's largest red diamond is known as the Red Shield, and weighs "only" 5.11 carats, compared with over 600 carats for the largest diamond of any kind.
Please note we are not diamondaura and this is not our stone or anything to do with our company,as another company will lead you to believe this .please contact us and we are more than happy to discuss or answer any of your questions. phone 0845 5000140